Monday, October 02, 2006

Big Week

It's a big week for television, people. Lost, the best show on television, begins its third season this Wednesday. I can't wait to see the different directions the writers will take the show this year. All I know is that we're going to see a lot more of "the others" and start investigating the more distant history of the island, like that four-toed statue. Lost didn't loose any momentum in its second season and I suspect that the third will take us places that we never dreamed of, while still keeping to the soul of the show: it's characters.

But wait, that's not all. On Friday, Battlestar Galactica begins its third season as well. I'll be very interested in where this story goes, since everything as we knew it changed in the last episode. I'll be honest, it came dangerously close to jumping the shark. However, judging from the previews I've been seeing on the Sci Fi channel, it looks to be another stellar season. The previews are chock full of what makes Galactica great - real human issues: dispair, regret, love, hope, and fighting until we can't anymore.

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