Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Entertainment Update

The hit Fox television show 24 has returned for its sixth season, and the two day, four hour premier has primed fans for the rest of the season. The chose a great way to end the premier. I won't ruin it for anybody, but let's just say that two very significant events took place.

Heroes is a pretty good show that's coming back next Monday. It's a very cool take on the X-men type of story, and they're keeping the story pretty down to earth, at least as much as you can for a show about super heroes.

Battlestar Galactica makes its return on a new night. On Sunday, January 21 at 10:00, season 3.5 will kick off and some of the questions brought up in the first half of the season should be answered this year. There are also reports of one character dying and another finding out that they're a Cylon. Should be good.

Lost will return in February. A lot of people were left pretty disappointed after the first six episodes last year, but I have a feeling that the show was just about to take off when it went on hiatus. It's a bit far off still to get excited about, but I have no doubt that people will begin talking about it again at water coolers when the time comes.

Three movies have been added to The List:


L.A. Confidential

Raising Arizona

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