Sunday, January 14, 2007

Book Recommendation: Blue Like Jazz

I first heard of Donald Miller last Summer. He was a guest speaker at Mars Hill Community Church in Grand Rapids in April, and I listened to the audio from their website. After hearing his message, I immediately wanted to read his book, Blue Like Jazz.

Blue Like Jazz was a breath of fresh air. I absolutely loved this book. Donald Miller tells the story of his Christian walk and his rediscoveries of many aspects of Christianity. Each chapter tackles a different subject: love, faith, church, loneliness, romance, and it seemed to get better and better as I went.

The thing that really makes this book great is the amazing honesty he brings to the reader. He opens up his mind, for better or for worse, to all who pick up the book. His insights are not from a religious scholar's background, but rather an average guy. Miller is just another person who wants to know God and know what Christianity is really about. He talks about his time at Reed University, a so called heathen college, and the profound events that took place there. He talks about relationships and churches and life in general, and he does it in a way that's not preachy or with an agenda. It reads as if he's talking to you, saying "this is what I've seen". I highly recommend this book to anyone who would like to read Christian literature that is refreshing and unique.

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