Friday, September 22, 2006

Relaxation Prose

This past week has been an extremely busy one for me. School has finally kicked into gear and the Xperience, the campus church I'm involved in, has an event scheduled for just about every night. I've tried to be involved in the events, school functions and work as much as possible without burning out, and I'm beginning to figure out what is going to work in my schedule and what is not.

Right now, I'm trying to relax. I feel like I've been thinking for three days straight. Mostly, the burden is school work. However, I'm an engineering student, and that comes as part of the package. By no means am I complaining. Busy as my school work has kept me this past week, it has given me a very rewarding feeling. I know that I am working toward something. The fact that I am using the gifts that God has given me, and the rewarding feeling I get when I do well tells me that I am not a mistake, and that God knows what he's doing in my life, even if I don't sometimes.

Tomorrow, the Xperience is taking a bunch of international students to Chicago. It should be a fun experience. It'll be a great opportunity to get to know new people and find out about each other's cultures. And there's just something about Chicago that I love. It's such a great town.

Well, that's what's going on in my life right now. I feel more relaxed already.


Karen said...

I'm really overwhelmed this week too! I think what helps me is to take on day totally off- no matter how busy you are, work really hard to get everything done and free up one day to spend with friends or just watching movies. Since Sunday is out for you maybe you could try friday or saturday...

Ryan said...

Usually, Saturday is my day of rest, where I don't do homework and just relax and enjoy the day. Sometimes it's Sunday, depending on what I have going on. But I try to keep a Sabbath in that way. Thank you for commenting. It's nice to hear from someone. It makes me feel like I'm not talking to myself.