Tuesday, September 26, 2006

God's Romance

Love is a struggle, and it is a very hard thing to grasp. How do we approach someone in a loving way? Is it about buying things for them? Helping them somehow? Is it all about sex? I submit that we need only to look to God in order to learn what love truly is.

The scriptures say that God is love. That is a very obscure statement at first glance. Probably, that is because love isn't something stated so much as it is experienced. To say "I love you" to somebody you care about isn't half as powerful as actually showing them your love. But how do we show our love? We look to the One who first loved us.

This past summer, I experienced God's love in a variety of instances. They were not grand gestures, nor were they material gifts. They were purely emotional. Most of them occurred either while I was with friends or after. I experienced God in sunsets and in the rain. He loved me using music and conversations with others. I experienced God while relaxing with friends and simply enjoying the world we live in.

It's not something I can easily put to words, just an overwhelming feeling of love from the creator. It is a fatherly love for me. On one particular night, I was driving alone in my car, listening to music and it began to rain gently. I just stared at those small raindrops on my windshield thinking, "I love you too, God".

God is romancing us. He is teaching us what love really is. He is teaching us how to love others. We only need to listen.

1 comment:

LBelle said...

Hi, I just want to thank you for your post here. I was just doing a search on "God romancing us" and found your blog. Thanks for reminding me that in things like nature and basic things that happen during the day, the Lord is showing us His intense love for us. So often we forget how personal and intense that love is. Thanks again.