Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Year, New Start

The Spring 2008 semester is about to begin here at Western and I've just returned from a three week vacation. It was the most restful three weeks I've ever experienced and it was probably the first time in the last year that I've felt relaxed at all. I needed that. Badly.

For the last few months I've lost the motivation to blog. Maybe I'm getting tired of it, maybe I'm boring now, or maybe it just takes a lot of time and thought to make post after post and I'm just too busy trying to focus on school to do it on a regular basis. Perhaps it is the beginning of the end for my humble blog, or perhaps it's just another phase. Who knows? We'll see I guess.

I come back from break feeling different, though I'm not sure why. It's a strange feeling. A kind of more mature feeling. A feeling that I'm growing up and starting to look to the future in a very practical and hopeful way. Perhaps it's because I'm in my last stages of college life and many of my friends here are slowly being phased out of my life as they approach the end of their college lives.

Maybe this feeling means something, maybe it's nothing at all. Who knows, this feeling could fade like so many countless others in past years. But then again, it could be the beginning of something new.

And if I am becoming different, if I am changing, I hope it's for the good.

Oh yeah. I'm digging Conan O'Brian's beard too.

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