Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Joshua: Prologue

We begin at Joshua. At this point in time, the Israelites are camped on the east side of the Jordan River waiting for their cue to cross over.

Hundreds of years before, a man named Abraham lived in these lands. God met with Abraham and made a covenant with him. He promised that Abraham and his wife, in their old age, would have a son, and that his decedents would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. God promised a land called Canaan to Abraham and his decedents, and promised to be with them and bless them along their way.

Despite their lack of faith, Abraham and his wife, Sarah had a son. They named him Isaac. Isaac became a man and found a wife and they had two sons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob took Esau's birthright and stole his blessing by deceiving his ailing father. Jacob then ran from his brother and found a wife (or two) in another land and had twelve sons. On his way back home to face his brother, Esau, Jacob wrestled God and was renamed Israel.

Jacob's son Joseph was sold into slavery and ended up in Egypt, where he rose to the become its ruler under Pharaoh. Desperate for food in the midst of a severe famine, Joseph's family eventually moved to Egypt and Jacob was reunited with his long lost son. The family settled into an area of Egypt named Goshen. Over time, the families of the sons of Jacob had families of their own. Eventually, they became known as the twelve tribes of Israel. The Hebrews. The Israelites.

They became so numerous that the Egyptians became frightened that they might take over. So the Pharaoh at that time enslaved them. For four hundred years the Hebrews were slaves to the Egyptians, forced to work under harsh conditions and treated poorly. Until one day God sent an escaped Hebrew named Moses back to Egypt to speak on God's behalf. Through Moses, God sent signs and terrifying plagues to the Egyptians until the Pharaoh, overcome with grief of loosing this firstborn son, set the Hebrews free.

Thus began the Exodus. The Israelites marched out of Egypt and started to make their way back to Canaan, the land of their fathers. The promised land. But Pharaoh's mind changed, and he set an army out after them. God provided an escape route by parting the sea for the Israelites and they passed on dry land into Sinai. The Egyptian army was not so fortunate, for when they made their pursuit across the parted sea, God closed it over them, destroying the army completely.

God led the Israelites through the desert appearing as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. There, he established the Ten Commandments and the law. He instructed the Israelites to construct the Ark of the Covenant, where God's Spirit dwelt with His people, and the Tabernacle, the temple prototype where the Ark was kept and offerings were made in atonement for sin. There, God established the Levites as the tribe of priests. And there the Israelites raised up and army that won many victories against formidable opponents, establishing a reputation that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies.

But they were human. And as all humans do, they complained. They griped and they yelled at God on several occasions. And because of their impatience and disobedience, God made it known that the generation the came out of Egypt would not live to see the promised land.

For forty years, they wandered in the desert, waiting for the word of the Lord to come. Year after year, they looked out over the Jordan River, yearning for their promised home. And one by one, the older generation died. Until finally Moses died after naming Joshua as his successor.

And so, at this point in time, the Israelites are camped on the east side of the Jordan River waiting for their cue to cross over.

And the Lord speaks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very well written. I am intrigued.