Monday, June 18, 2007

A Trail of Heroes

So, I'm out on the road working for MDOT yesterday with my partner Eric, and we find these little plastic fireman figures on the side of the road. We kept finding them at pretty even spacing as we went down the road, as if someone threw them out of their car window at steady pace. It's the strangest thing. Eric and I followed said trail and picked them up as we went. We found seventeen firefighters in all. They now have a home in our MDOT truck. We'll be keeping our eyes peeled for more.


Anonymous said...

A trail of Perhaps someone wanted to disperse their courage evenly??


Ryan said...

Ha, ha. Perhaps they did. The trail ran on for about a mile and ended at Mooville in Nashville, MI. Good ice cream there. It tastes like it went straight from the cow to the creamer to you, which it kind of did.