Thursday, December 14, 2006


Western's campus is turning into a ghost town once again. Students are finishing up finals and heading home for the holidays. It's a strange thing to go home again after being at college for four months. The change in college students is an exponential one, and things back home usually seem more or less exactly the same as when you left them.

And so, those of us at the Xperience are scattered. Most are back home in their respective corners of Michigan. Some of us will be in other states. Some are as far as Mexico. Some will remain in Kalamazoo. It's kind of a sad thing that we're all away from each other, but we will all get to see family and friends from home and celebrate the holiday season with them.

I wish all the Xperience gang a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'll see you guys after the break.

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